Cleanse & Flush for Adults
The Tailored Cleanse and Flush helps lighten the load on your liver and gallbladder
Everything you eat, drink, breathe and absorb through your skin is purified and detoxified in your liver. Everyday your body is being polluted by harmful chemicals and what your body doesn’t eliminate ends up getting stored in your body, including inside the liver.
The Tailored Cleanse and Flush helps lighten the load on your liver and gallbladder with a systematic cleanse that helps maintain your liver’s vitality. This may enhance digestion, helps to balance lipid profiles, and boosts energy.
At Tailored, we strongly recommend this protocol before we start our Custom Compound therapy or any other dietary supplement interventions.

The Tailored Cleanse & Flush is a two-part cleansing protocol:
Herbal Help (Part 1) and the
2-day Flush (Part 2).
For the best results drink the Herbal Help 5 days prior to the Flush. Using the supportive herbs in Herbal Help nourishes the liver and promotes detoxification while “flush” protocol carries away purged toxins and stones. You can consider doing a total of five Cleanses & Flushes with a resting period of two weeks between each Flush if required.
Your Tailored Cleanse & Flush includes the following:
1. Herbal Help capsules
2. Epsom Salts/Vitamin C capsules
Before you start, make sure you have the following at hand:
1. Grapefruit juice or when out of season, you can use lemon juice
2. Regular olive oil
Ps: Notice the change in the color of your stools as the program progresses.
Phase 1: Brown watery stools
Phase 2: Green (bile) even crystals up to the size of a green pea. That is bile crystals that blocked the ducts in the liver to suppress liver function.
Phase 3: White or beige color is cholesterol and fat that accumulated in the liver and gut lining.
Precautions: Please read thoroughly before attempting the Tailored Cleanse & Flush
This protocol is generally safe for people in reasonable health and without complicating factors. Consuming fatty foods may carry a comparable risk. Regardless, please adhere to the following precautions. This information is not intended to replace the advice and treatment of a healthcare professional who specializes in the treatment of diseases.
Do not Flush when constipated
Get the bowels moving regularly first. Should you be occasionally constipated, you can take the Tailored Gut Care first to help regulate the bowels. If you are chronically constipated please consult with your healthcare professional. Once your bowels are moving regularly you can proceed.
Do not Flush when ill
Consult with your health professional to get an X-ray and CT scan before doing the Tailored Cleanse & Flush if you suspect you have an obstructed bile duct or gallstones.
Please follow the detailed directions in this kit
If you change these recipes you might expect problems. The liver is quite sensitive. If you plan to make changes, be sure to seek the assistance of a qualified healthcare professional.
Do not take medications, vitamins or supplements that you can do without during the Flush
They could prevent success. Make sure you check with your physician first.
If you are taking medications, please check with your physician prior to the Flush.
The Flush – PART 2 – is only for individuals over 18 years of age
Although some product labels suggest that it can be used for adults and children 12 and over, for safety we do not recommend anyone under 18 years to go through any of the cleanses.
Because of this, we have a dedicated kit for children. Make sure to order this one for your child. The content and program differ from those of adults.
Do not take during pregnancy or lactation
Keep cleanse items away from children.
Make sure you are able to tolerate Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt) before you attempt the Flush
People unable to tolerate Magnesium Sulfate may suffer severe negative reaction. If you experience initial symptoms of hypermagnesemia such as nausea, vomiting, and weakness, discontinue use and contact your doctor. You will get diarrhea after taking the Epsom Salt. This is a normal reaction.